Video Marketing

Pumped Up Fitness Nutrition was looking for marketing help to move into an aggressive Las Vegas supplement market. To do so, we had to leverage the owner of the shops existing connections to fitness personalities and offered exclusive meet & greets to draw customers to the new location to check it out. This ad highlights all the amazing fitness personalities that support Pumped Up Fitness Nutrition.

For the first year of being open, Pumped Up Fitness Nutrition had a bunch of professional athletes come through, including:

  • CT Fletcher

  • Rich Piana

  • Mike OHearn

  • Kali Muscle

  • The Hungarian Hammer and more.

We used this ad to bring in thousands of customers in their first year of business and to also push their online sales across the US. Pumped Up Fitness Nutrition also had a local delivery to anyone in the Las Vegas area. This made they unique becuase they were able to get product in the hands of customers fast (within 6 hours at a scheduled locations) and built customer loyalty quick with this personal method.

A New Problem

Pumped Up Fitness Nutrition got so many eCommerce orders that the owner had to step back and reorganize his shipping and eCommerce department. Not a bad problem to have but we had to adjust the business to make the end  of our marketing work better. This is a common thing that we will ask of our partners when we work with a business over time — sometimes feedback warrants a change in business structure or operation and needs to be properly figured out to achieve our goals.

In this case, Pumped Up Fitness had to change their shipping / order platform and also make investments into their warehouse and shipping infrastructure to make shipping faster for their customers. This is a huge factor when competing with Amazon and their 1 Day Prime shipping and making the initial investments will 100% pay off in the future if you take your eCommerce seriously.