All Profile Image Sizes For Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Pinterest & More

Here is a list of all the sizing for your social media imagery; that is fancy talk for all the stuff you would need to set up your social media platforms completely.

If you need help crafting your social media profile details, check out my article: The Perfect Social Media Description after you read this one.


Profile Pictures:
Profile Pictures are usually all the same. You can probably use the same logo sizing and design files for all of the social networks, but I still listed the sizing for each individually. If you want to make one for all of them, make a 1000 x 1000 px square file for your logo but make it also compatible with a circle crop, see image below.

Some channels are square crops, and some are circles, but most of them will be circles soon. The simple reason, circles are friendly and more clickable for your thumbs.

Instagram – Profile Picture:
Instagram only has profile pictures, so setting it up isn’t hard at all.
High Res 1000 x 1000 and make sure the focus is centered for a circle crop.

Facebook – Profile Picture:
400 x 400
Facebook has a square crop, so leave your profile picture at the original aspect ratio.
Minimum 180 x 180
These photos will appear 170 x 170 on a desktop site and will appear as 128 x 128 on most smartphones. Business pages have a very familiar look to the personal profile pages and will follow the same rules.

Facebook Business Page Cover Photo
820 x 312
Your business page cover photo should be at as high of a DPI as possible to make your page look as high quality and premium as you can. Your cover photo is one of the most significant pieces of real estate available for your business on Facebook. This cover photo is the place to establish your brand identity and highlight what you are and what you stand for.

Facebook Event Cover Photo
1920 x 1080
Make sure to keep text elements centered. Events are posts in a few different places, and keeping your text will allow consistency across all areas they are displayed. This event cover photo shows in feeds at a minimum of 470 x 174, so make sure to keep that in mind when designing or adding text elements.


Twitter – Profile Picture:
400 x 400
Twitter has a circle crop, so follow the rules above.

Twitter Header Image:
1500 x 500
Twitter has a wider header image, but this allows you to put more branding on the sides while also keeping a visual header aesthetic.


Youtube – Profile Picture:
800 x 800
Displays as 98 x 98 on desktop

Youtube Channel Cover Photo: 2560 x 1440
Optimizing your Youtube header for multiple platforms, including TVs, phones, and computer screens, is not easy, but if you make your header simple and with center branding. Your header can shrink to as little as


Linkedin – Profile Picture:
400 x 400
Linkedin has a circle crop, so make sure your imagery is centered for a circle.

Linkedin Header Image:
1584 x 396
Personal Background images can be in JPG, PNG or GIF

Linkedin Company Header Image:
1536 x 768
Company Background images can be in JPG, PNG or GIF

Linkedin Hero Image:
1128 x 376
Use this space as an additional image to tell your brand story.


Pinterest – Profile Picture:
400 x 400
Pinterest has a square crop.
Shows at 165 x 165 pixels
Shows at 32 x 32 in other places


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